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Sunday 4 July 2021

Interview Hack#37 Answer

 What will be the output of the program?

  1. Error
  2. H
  3. Hello
  4. Hel
  5. None Of the Above

Correct answer 3)Hello


Step 1: const char *s = ""; The constant variable s is declared as a pointer to an array of characters type and initialized with an empty string.

Step 2: char str[] = "Hello"; The variable str is declared as an array of characters type and initialized with a string "Hello".

Step 3: s = str; The value of the variable str is assigned to the variable s. Therefore str contains the text "Hello".

Step 4: while(*s){ printf("%c", *s++); } Here the while loop got executed untill the value of the variable s is available and it prints the each character of the variable s.

Hence the output of the program is "Hello".


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