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Monday 5 July 2021

Interview Hack#38 Answer

What will be the output of the program?

  1. 4, 3, 3
  2. 4, 3, 2
  3. 3, 3, 2
  4. 2, 3, 3
  5. None Of the Above

Correct answer 3) 2,3,3


Step 1: int x=4, y, z; here variable x, y, z are declared as an integer type and variable x is initialized to 4.
Step 2: y = --x; becomes y = 3; because (--x) is pre-decrement operator.
Step 3: z = x--; becomes z = 3;. In the next step variable x becomes 2, because (x--) is post-decrement operator.
Step 4: printf("%d, %d, %d\n", x, y, z); Hence it prints "2, 3, 3".


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